Hi! I’m anna, and this is our parade.

Anna Vos, founder

(photo by Rachel Coutant, 2023)

Anna Parade is a queer-owned small business aiming to make art and merch that helps you feel seen and celebrated. I am delighted you’re here!

I founded this brand in 2016 (originally named Owl Post Lettering), when I had a toddler and new baby at home and the world felt like it was falling apart. I was just learning modern calligraphy—I desperately needed a hobby—and found I loved making art pieces that friends wanted in their homes. I soon branched out to hand-lettered products like mugs, pins, and stickers, and the shop grew into what it is today.

In 2021, I discovered figure drawing, and it launched a love for drawing and painting bodies of all shapes and sizes. My fine art practice and my commercial work push each other as I grow in each. In 2023 and 2024, Anna Parade was a featured brand in Walmart’s Pride collections.

It is my absolute privilege to get to do this — make art and talk about softness and tenderness and queerness. In the last 7 years, I have discovered I am both queer and neurodivergent, and making all this art is making it possible for me to make sense of all that and share my journey. Thanks for coming along the parade route with me. -Anna


Rochester, NY



how i like my coffee

cold brew with 1/2&1/2

fave hobbies

gardening, reading, laughing with good friends, speed card games